Notation Guide


[Exercise One,
Exercise Two ] - superset: exercises done as a set with no rest in between

12/10/8/12 - rep scheme: 12 reps on the first set, 10 reps on the second set, 8 reps on the third set, and 12 reps on the fourth

#{100, 120, 140, 100} - weight scheme: 100 lbs on the first set, 120 pounds on the second set, 140 pounds on the third set, and 100 pounds on the fourth

Program Specific Workouts

THT (Cycle Goal and Number : Week Number - Day)

Example: THT (G1 : W1 - Monday) = THT (Growth Cycle 1 : Week 1 - Monday Workout)

THT Cycles Nomenclature

G - Growth : 8-12 rep range
S - Strength : 6-8 rep range
1 - 3 Day Scheme : Full body workouts, three times per week
2 - 5 Day Scheme : Individual body parts, five times per week

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A fitness enthusiast from the South; The deep South.


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